Outreach Ministry

Our Members at Holy Cross strive to be involved and be a part of our loving Coastal Bend community. We serve as readers and tutors at local schools and volunteer for the following charities in many ways. The mission of Holy Cross Lutheran Church is to know, and joyfully share, the love of God in Christ.

Castaways Resale Shop (click )

Good Samaritans (click))

Lutheran Camp Chrysalis (click)

The Children’s Coalition of Aransas County (click)

The Purple Door (click)

Backpack for Kids

Stitchery Ministry

Community Table

Pastor Mike dropping-off of disaster relief supplies at the warehouse at Peace Lutheran Church, Edmond, Oklahoma. Supplies will be used to help those affected by the wildfires in the panhandle of Texas.

This effort was a small part of what the Lutheran Disaster Response does not only here at home but worldwide.


This is exciting!

At a well attended, specially called, congregational meeting on Sunday, February 18, a proposal was strongly approved to add a playground on our church property. For the past year, Patty Enstrom and Bridget Mehre, along with the church council, have been discussing and doing research for this project. Among other things, this project will serve as another outreach ministry for the church to the community. It will visibly reflect our
being an inviting place for young families with children. When completed, the playground area will include picnic tables, swing sets, slides and play stations, mulch, a volleyball court, etc. To get an idea of what this will look like just visit Memorial Park.

Total cost of the project will be $42,200. There is currently $20,000 designated for the project. It is composed of $11,000 already provided. Additionally, an anonymous donor volunteered to match up to $5,000. That match has been met and thus another $10,000 is added to the $11,000. This gives us $21,000. At the meeting the congregation voted to allocate $10,000 of Castaways money to the project. That is what Holy Cross received for January from our work with this ministry. This then brings our total to $31,000.

For the next three months, members and friends of Holy Cross will be asked to contribute to the remaining cost of the project. It is our hope that EVERYONE will give something. YOU can give your gift to either Patty or Bridget or put it in an envelope and put it in the offering plate clearly marked designated for the playground.

If contributions over the next three months do not cover the remaining cost, the shortfall will be made up from Castaways money, to not exceed reaching the $42,200 project cost. Please prayerfully consider being a part of this exciting outreach ministry project.


Backpack for Kids Program 11/23

We are setting new records for the number of food packs being delivered to Live Oak Learning Center.

Previously, the greatest number of packs delivered was about sixteen per week. So far, in this school year, we started slow but have climbed to twenty three packs per week for the last month. 

This is reflected in the photos of our pantry which is brimming with food packs, This is about six weeks supply shown here. The most recent delivery of packs was made by the Food Bank directly to us in Rockport, thus saving us a seventy mile round trip picking up the packs. The clothing for the kids is also coming along well with Beva Lippe doing the greatest part of that ministry. 

Your Loving Partners in Christ,
Walter and Judy Laas


A Few of our Outreach Volunteers

  • Backpack Kids

    Walter & Judy Laas providing weekend nutritional support to local elementary age children.

  • Castaways

    Holy Cross Volunteers working to support the Christian operation of this local second-hand retail shop.

  • Sewing Ministry

    We gather to make quilts, shawls, and lap robes. Items made with love and prayer provide comfort with the warmth of Jesus.

  • Community Table

    Cliff & Debbie Outten

    A ministry for persons and families who, because of health or economic circumstances, can benefit from a hot, nutritious meal.

  • Good Samaritans

    Edi Bischoff

    We assist and support a “hand up . . . not a handout” at a local distribution center and work with clients in need of non-perishables and daily challenges.

  • Comfort Singers

    Providing musical comfort to those at local senior facilities and shut-ins.

The Aransas Pass Fire Department was in charge of the huge grass fire Sept 14th. In Aransas Pass. Holy Cross members, Bridget Mehre, Pat & John Enstrom delivered lunch the next day to the crew. They were very grateful to Holy Cross.

Friday morning at10:30 A.M.
Adult Bible Study at Bella La Brew Coffee Shop
(2818 Hwy. 35N, Rockport)
Study materials provided, please bring your Bibles.
Pastor Mike Giese - Leader
All are welcome. Bring a friend!